After over a year of work, I’m putting the finishing touches to version 2.0 of my long-awaited coaching program to help creative people make a good living from their talents. This thing has been a labor of love, and I’m so excited that it’s nearly ready!
It’s not easy to carve out time to develop a really awesome course at the same time as running a business like Harman Hay Publications. But I would feel selfish keeping what I’ve learned to myself. With so many people asking me to share what I know about making a living from my passion, it’s time for me to get this off the ground.
Many people dream of making a living doing what they love – maybe you’re one of them – and I want to help you enjoy the freedom and independence that I’ve become used to, without the 20-year learning curve! But now that the finish line is in sight I could really use your help.
You see, I want to make sure that I’ve covered everything, but I’m a bit too close to this project right now. Now that I’m almost done I’d like to get some feedback from you. This will only take you a few seconds. If you haven’t already done so, can you please go to this link and answer this one simple question?
Thank you very much for your support!