Faded, discolored, shattered, fragile, dilapidated – and I wanted one.

Faded, discolored, shattered, fragile, dilapidated – and I wanted one.

It was a faded, discolored, shattered, fragile, dilapidated dream dress. And I wanted one. I think it’s my favorite project to date, partly because of the epic timescale. I fell in love with it in 1996, and made it in 2013. Yep, seventeen years from initial inspiration to completion. That’s often how it goes.

Peacock Dress: fitting the bodice mockup

Peacock Dress: fitting the bodice mockup

If you’ve been watching this project finally come together on my YouTube channel, you’ve watched me take numerous bizarre Edwardian era measurements, and you’ve seen me use a lot of pencil lead and brain power drafting a precise 1902 era pattern, and...
These things just take time

These things just take time

Some projects spring forth fully formed in the mind. The fabrics are there in your stash, and you drop everything and go to work immediately because you’re SO inspired. Two days later, behold the fruits of creativity unleashed! Most projects, however, don’t go like this. Most are slower. Some stall and get re-started, and some projects take a decade or more to come together. Sometimes your ideas are way ahead of your resources… but patience might bring the resources you need.

Why is the bust so small? Dior and the H-Line

Why is the bust so small? Dior and the H-Line

You might make a lovely dress or corset from a reproduction pattern, and that’s great, but what if you could go deeper? What if you could look over the shoulder of the premiere at Dior’s atelier in 1955? What did they do differently from us, and why?

Like a curious five-year-old, try to ask “why?” just one more time than the next person. For example… why is the bust of this Dior evening gown so small?

Follow along as the Internet hive mind figures it out from primary sources… with surprising results.

“Hey, you should come to Paris with us tomorrow!”

“Hey, you should come to Paris with us tomorrow!”

In September last year, two friends came over for a geeky museum study day at Barrow-upon-Soar in Leicestershire, UK. Lowana and Karolina missed their train back to London… and in a delicious plot twist, 24 hours later I was alighting from a Eurostar train inside the cavernous Gare du Nord in Paris.

And the result was my current fabulous dress project…