Thank you for joining us!

Cathy Hay, (c) Helen King PhotographyThank you so much for signing up to revolutionise your business! I am impressed that you have taken the first step by showing your commitment to change, and I am honoured that you have put your trust in me to guide you on that journey.

The first class begins on Thursday May 26th, 2016, giving you four weeks to finish up some of your other projects and clear some mental and physical space to take this journey with me – and your fellow students! Get to know them now by joining our private Facebook community.

In the meantime, you can expect to hear from me very soon. I will be sending out a survey in which you will be able to tell me all about your own situation and your particular concerns, frustrations and hopes. I want to make very sure that I am tailoring the course as much as possible to the needs of the students who are taking part, and I will continue to ask for your feedback throughout the process so that I can ensure we’ve covered everything.

Thank you once again for your trust and your investment, and look out for me in your inbox!

All the best,

