How to Narrow Down Your Business Ideas

How to Narrow Down Your Business Ideas

You have no shortage of creative ideas that would be really fun. You collect these kinds of shiny objects, and other people give them to you all the time. But the fact that cat sweaters would be a really fun and unique business (and that the website and socials would be SO CUTE) doesn’t make it a great business idea. So which business idea is the one you should invest your effort in?

If you’re waiting for a sign, this is it.

If you’re waiting for a sign, this is it.

About a week ago I had an upsetting nightmare.

I woke up with my heart aching, feeling as though this dream had been a direct download from Upstairs, if you know what I mean.

I believe that dreams can contain important messages from our subconscious coded as symbols, and this one was very clear indeed. Something had to change.

If you’re waiting for a sign, this is it.

But what if I do want to “monetise my joy”?

But what if I do want to “monetise my joy”?

An article entitled “The Modern Trap of Turning Hobbies into Hustles” has soothed many creative people this week. Writer Molly Conway gives you permission NOT to make your creative passion into your career, and I support that sentiment wholeheartedly. Yes, you may create stuff solely for the sake of creating. Of course you do not have to “monetise your joy”. If you’re among the relieved majority, and the article gave you peace, then I support that. Go forth and enjoy your hobby with my enthusiastic blessings.

But if she sounded like a concerned parent advising you to manage your expectations and get a real job, then come with me, down the rabbit hole… because this post is for you.

What can you do if people don’t get it? Communicate.

What can you do if people don’t get it? Communicate.

So this was fun…

Last week I was delighted to have an opportunity to speak to a Muggle audience about corsets.

Well, ok, I spoke to an audience of entrepreneurs about business, using corsets to make my point. 🙂

My audience included personal trainers, accountants, healers, coaches, gardeners, herbalists, stylists, tech wizards – an extraordinarily diverse group of experts in all kinds of fields, who are all building businesses online using the same tools and principles. You can imagine the double takes the first time they hear what I’m doing online.

A membership site about making corsets and historical dress?? It’s unimaginable!

What singing taught me about sewing

What singing taught me about sewing

Some of you know that I’ve been having voice lessons… for about six months now.

I’ve always wanted to learn to sing, but it’s difficult to summon up the courage to try a new hobby. I mean, the courage not just to try it, but to sustain that courage long enough, and keep practising long enough, to feel really good at it. Good enough to really enjoy it, you know?

Well courage is neither here nor there, now.

Fortunately or unfortunately, I’ve been forced into voice lessons by a problem with my vocal cords. It’s not so much singing lessons as “voice rehab”… because although my singing is alright, speaking is a struggle.

I don’t know how it began – maybe stress, maybe a physical issue that cleared up and left bad habits behind; all I know is that I am physically fine – the doctors can find nothing wrong – and yet right now, my speaking voice is a croaky, whispery mess.

What does this have to do with sewing? Stay with me.

Now Leaving: Comfort Zone

Now Leaving: Comfort Zone

And so to England, where I’m rifling through a pile of notes and a pile of mail. I had an intense and fabulous trip to California.

Three educational events in two months have helped me build something that matters more than ever. (Investing in your continued education: never a bad idea.) All of them blew my mind, catapulted me out of my comfort zone and demonstrated just how possible my plans are – IF I dare to keep moving forward, no matter what anyone else might think. The first two were joyous, but the last was challenging. It was a training for… public speakers.