Faded, discolored, shattered, fragile, dilapidated – and I wanted one.

Faded, discolored, shattered, fragile, dilapidated – and I wanted one.

It was a faded, discolored, shattered, fragile, dilapidated dream dress. And I wanted one. I think it’s my favorite project to date, partly because of the epic timescale. I fell in love with it in 1996, and made it in 2013. Yep, seventeen years from initial inspiration to completion. That’s often how it goes.

A blanket statement about handmade goods

A blanket statement about handmade goods

My friend gifted me a handmade blanket. I appreciate the work in it, the care in it, and the love in it. But never more so than when my world was falling apart with COVID and anxiety a couple of days ago, and I was clinging to that blanket like it was my last scrap of proof that the world is a kind place. (I’m melodramatic when I’m ill.)